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Supporting the development of children with sensory disability

This self-paced unit examines the influence sensory disability (hearing and/or vision impairment) can have on child development and family perceptions of child progress and competency.

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Key Details

Certificate Course
Course Code

Course Information

This self-paced unit examines the influence sensory disability (hearing and/or vision impairment) can have on child development and family perceptions of child progress and competency. The rationale for early intervention through family-centred practice is discussed and characteristics of effective parent-professional partnership and collaboration explored. Students will consider family systems, cultural diversity, and the role of parent education and guidance as a basis for promoting optimal outcomes for children with a sensory disability.

Learning outcomes: By the end of this unit, it is anticipated you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the influence sensory disability can have on the social, emotional and cognitive continua of child development.
  • Identify and apply a range of strategies to support and guide parents / families in promoting the optimal development of their child with sensory disability (hearing and/or vision loss).
  • Reflect on, and develop as necessary, the personal skills required to work collaboratively with parents and interdisciplinary teams supporting a child with sensory disability.

This course will take 30 hours to complete. It consists of 12 topics and shares lectures, readings and associated content to support your understanding of child development. This course will benefit everyone working in early intervention settings.

Upon completion of purchase, instructions for accessing this course will be emailed to you.

