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The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register (ACVIR)

The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register is sponsored by NextSense with support from Guide Dogs, Vision Australia, low vision service providers and families of children with vision loss.
A boy with vision loss focusing on his coordination skill.

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Currently in Australia, we don't know how many Australian children have vision impairment.

This makes it hard to plan for the services these children need, or to argue for research into preventing conditions which cause vision impairment.

NextSense Institute, in partnership with key Australian service providers, corporate donors, government departments and health professionals, has undertaken a major research project to develop and maintain an Australia-wide record of children with vision impairment.

This project is called the Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register.

The Register collects accurate information on children who have been diagnosed by an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) with vision impairment.. This information is used to establish the number of children with vision impairment, the causes and level of vision impairment and any additional disabilities and health conditions these children have.

The Register is the first of its kind in Australia, and is capturing uniquely Australian data which is used to improve services for children with vision impairment. The data is also available to researchers who work in the area of eye disease and disorders of vision.

If you are a child or a parent or guardian of a child, aged 0-18 years, who has been diagnosed by an ophthalmologist with vision impairment, you are invited to join the Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register.

We hope you and your child will consider joining the Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register.

Register your child

If you would like to register online now, please contact Sue Silveira by email or phone. Alternately, you can mail your expression of interest to:

NextSense Institute
361-365 North Rocks Road,
North Rocks
NSW 2151

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