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Improving the outcomes for students who are Deaf or hard of hearing in mainstream settings interactive workshop series

Mainstream teachers will benefit from this workshop series by gaining a deeper understanding of the characteristics and learning needs of students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Teacher facing a student and providing Auslan translation

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Course Code
8 hours

Course Information

The format for this workshop has been transformed into an online series. Mainstream teachers will benefit by gaining a deeper understanding of the characteristics and learning needs of students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

The 8 sessions include lecture recordings, additional readings and videos to extend learning between sessions. We anticipate this course becoming your 'go to' advice portal as you support students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing in your classroom.

The program is offered as follows:

Session 1: Experience of Hearing Loss

This session will provide an introduction to the course, demonstrate the learning platform and provide a chance to learn from people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Session 2: Introduction to Hearing Loss

This session will provide advice about how the ear works, the range of hearing loss and how it is measured, the terminology related to hearing loss and how to read your student's audiogram.

Session 3: Language and literacy development

This session will reflect on the impact of hearing loss on language and literacy development for students who are Deaf or Hard of hearing and provide a range of strategies and examples to support you as you plan and teach your student in the mainstream setting.

Session 4: 10 Top Tips for Teachers

This session will provide a quick and handy tip sheet to guide you in the classroom! There will be opportunities to rehearse and explore these tips.

Session 5: Classroom Acoustics

This session will provide advice about how to measure the acoustic properties of your classroom, discuss the influence of poor acoustics on student learning (for all your students) and give examples and suggestions for how to improve the acoustics in your learning space.

Session 6: Remote Microphones

This session will demonstrate the importance of using personal amplification systems in the classroom, how to work with your students to optimise use, and provide strategies for increasing access to audio and visual content in your classroom and around the school.

Session 7: Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids

This session will provide advice about how cochlear implants and hearing aids work and strategies to troubleshoot.

Session 8: Social and emotional development

Hearing loss can influence typical social and emotional development for our students- this session will review the research and provide strategies and suggestions for activities you can run in your classroom to support your students.


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