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Session 1: Language processing speed in school students with hearing loss with Rebecca Holt
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For effective learning in the classroom, students must comprehend spoken and written language rapidly. If language processing is slow, they may miss content in lessons, struggle to participate effectively in group work, and be disadvantaged in high-stakes assessment tasks. IToDs have identified speed of language processing in listening and writing as a major area of concern for school students with hearing loss. However, little research evidence has been available to substantiate whether or not students with hearing loss take more time to comprehend language than their peers with normal hearing.
In this masterclass, Dr Holt will present a review of the current research evidence on language processing speed in school-age children with hearing loss. Her findings demonstrate that, while some research studies find slow language processing at the word and sentence level in this population, this may be modulated by factors such as the cognitive demand of the listening task/environment. Directions for future research will be discussed, aiming to provide a better understanding of language processing speed in students with hearing loss as the basis for appropriate classroom support strategies and provisions in assessment tasks.
Session 2: Family-Centered-Early-Intervention Fundamentals with Jenna Voss
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Abstract: When providers fully center families in the intervention process, children can reach their fullest potential. Through the use of coaching practices, providers can support the development of caregiver capacity to enhance child growth and development. Join this session and examine ways to better support a diverse range of families by assessing their needs, honoring their expertise, and building their confidence and competence.
Learning Objectives: Participants will…
- Describe the expertise and major impact of families on children’s growth and development
- Outline coaching practices which promote family involvement in all aspects of intervention.
- Identify tools that will help practitioners adapt their practice to be responsive, authentic, and relevant for a diverse range of family structures and needs.
Session 3: Family-Centered Practice is Always the Answer! Engaging Families of School-Age Learners with Jenna Voss
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Abstract: Children who are DHH can succeed academically in general education settings with appropriate support services. Supporting learners who are DHH and empowering them to reach their fullest potential is best achieved through intentional collaboration and information sharing between professionals and caregivers to ensure that education is accessible, appropriate and addresses the needs of the whole child. When providers fully center families in the intervention and educational process, children can reach their fullest potential.
Learning Objective: Participants will describe the expertise and major impact of families on children’s growth and development and identify opportunities to partner with families of school aged DHH learners.
Session 4: Resiliency Through Relationships with Jenna Voss
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Abstract: Participants will begin by considering the power of relationships with children, families, and other service providers. Participants will reflect on their own caseloads, draw data based conclusions (or identify data gaps!) and critically examine the use of effective practices in their own service delivery.
Learning Objectives: Participants will…
- Identify effective practices, including fostering of safe, stable, nurturing relationships, to achieve high expectations for all children and families pursuing listening and spoken language outcomes
- Reflect upon one’s own caseload to identify examples of effective parent professional partnerships before setting personal goals for professional improvement.
Session 5: Connecting the Dots and Making Moves: Advancing Culturally Responsive Practice in Deaf Education with Jenna Voss
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Abstract: Attendees will be invited to reflect on aspects of their current practice, connecting the dots, to celebrate the ways in which their current intervention is grounded in culturally responsive practice. Resources to aid in individual and systems change will be offered, including opportunities to identify one’s own bias, build authentic relationships, assess family-needs, provide short- and long-term resources, advocate, and promote the highest educational outcomes. After considering the systems designed to support learners who are DHH, participants are challenged to engage in honest self-reflection and open dialogue with one another, so we can envision more equitable systems of support for children who are DHH and their families. Attendees will then be called up on to make moves by identifying both individual and systems changes within reach from their own sphere of influence.
Learner Objectives: Participants will..
- Define and describe key elements of culturally responsive practice in deaf education settings.
- Explore resources and strategies to support learners who are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds or who are marginalized from current systems of intervention.
- Reflect on one’s sphere of influence and set actionable goals to improve outcomes for children who are DHH and their families.
Session 6: Play It to Say It: Capitalizing on Play to Promote Early Development for DHH Learners with Jenna Voss
10-11am AEST Tuesday 2 July 2024
Abstract: The work of childhood is play! Through play, children learn about themselves and others, develop advanced problem solving skills, experiment with collaboration and creativity as well as language and communication skills. Join this session to learn about the playful extensions and enhancements to your intervention which can support child development, including the promotion of listening and spoken language.
Learning Objectives: Participants will …
- Examine the evidence supporting play as an effective intervention for holistic child development, including advancement of communication and cognitive skills
- Reflect upon opportunities to re-imagine early childhood environments to increase opportunities for play
This series has been approved for 6 CEUs from the A G Bell Academy of Listening and Spoken Language.
This event addresses the following Standards from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: 1.Standard 1 (know the students and how they learn), Standard 4 (create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments), and Standard 6 (engage in professional learning). It fits within the Priority Area of Children/ Student with Disabilities. These events are evidence and research based.