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2021 Development Days: Communication Training

This series will extend your skills in client communications.

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You are invited to join 3 sessions that will build your skills in client communications.

Session 1: Building Rapport (12 October 9-10:30am)

  • Active listening and reflective responses
  • Unconditional positive regard
    • The fundamental skills of rapport building, active listening and unconditional positive regard will be discussed in this session.
    • These strategies work on finding commonalities with clients, changing power relationships within appointments (ie. Empowering clients, relinquishing your power).
    • These are ‘non-judgemental’ techniques for gaining information from clients.
    • These are required foundational skills for future difficult conversations.
    • *Essentially “look after your client and they will look after their child/themselves”*

Session 2: Facilitating behaviour change (10 November 12-1:30pm)

Session 1 focussed on listening, non-judgement and information gathering. This session shifts focus to sharing information and facilitating client behaviour change.

  • Having difficult conversations
    • The most difficult conversations occur when people are highly emotional-which occurs in many of the appointments we conduct.
    • This section introduces some ways to identify emotions, emotional reactions, and ways to respond.
  • Motivational interviewing and behaviours around making changes
    • Motivational interviewing is one strategy that can be used to facilitate client decision making and behaviour change.
    • Strategic questioning allows clients to explore their thought processes and the things that are holding them back.

Session 3: Managing emotional responses (1 December 9-10:30am)

This session builds on information delivery and managing emotional responses.

  • Delivering difficult news
    • This section is specifically about delivering difficult news (a diagnosis, a change in prognosis etc).
  • Responding to people’s emotions
    • This section builds upon the previous discussions of active and reflective listening. Hopefully people will have had an opportunity to practice some of the skills learnt in the previous session.
  • De-escalation techniques
    • This section will explore some of the ways we can recognise that a situation is escalating, and techniques to de-escalate.


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