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Lindy’s rediscovered her love for music

For Lindy, spending more time with her first love—music—is her definition of living life to the fullest. After a hearing loss as a young adult, this became impossible.
Lindy's rediscovered her love for music
  • Hearing

For Lindy, spending more time with her first love—music—is her definition of living life to the fullest. After experiencing hearing loss as a young adult, this almost became impossible. But thanks to cochlear implants, she’s orchestrating a future full of music.

Hearing aids weren’t enough for Lindy. She had quickly developed profound hearing loss and was missing sections of conversations, which meant spending a long time "just trying to cope". Her audiologist referred her to the NextSense cochlear implant program (then SCIC, an RIDBC service) and she soon discovered she was suitable for a cochlear implant.

Receiving her first cochlear implant

In 2013, after careful consideration, she decided getting a cochlear implant was the best decision. And although not the case for all people, Lindy immediately noticed a difference.

"Three days after my cochlear implant was switched on, I was performing in a hand bells concert. A few weeks later I was accompanying our choirs on the piano and holding conversations in all kinds of listening situations," she said.

In 2018, she became a bilateral cochlear implant recipient (cochlear implant in both ears), and years later, hasn’t looked back.

"I wish I had taken the big [cochlear] implant leap even sooner," she said.

A performance from Lindy

In March, as part of the launch of NextSense, Lindy create a piece of music to celebrate, and for us to share.

Alongside the sound of Lindy’s instruments are the brand elements of NextSense, with a graphic portrayal to match the music—allowing the brand and performance to come to life.

Watch Lindy share her story, followed by her musical performance—a rework of an 1845 piece composed by Stephen Heller.

NextSense: a performance from Lindy poster

We’re here to help. Find out more about NextSense Cochlear Implant Services for people of all ages who are deaf or hard of hearing.

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